
There are six well known decorating and design modes: Romantic, Classic, Town and Country, Practical, Contemporary and Dramatic. Behaviours and personality seem to fit too. It’s style blending usually of […]

This isn’t easy, although easily spoken of. Each step involves definite decisions and thoughtful, regular practice despite distractions. Naturally, practising leads to concentrated and secretive smiling. Cook with love. You […]

Occasionally I find myself reaching deep into cupboards and rediscovering treasures. Memory, significance and nostalgia float in those moments. And I often then make the decision to give each piece […]

I like garden musings too. Garden and nourish your soul. It’s a continuous monitoring and maintenance program for spirited adventurers. Pruning will create more openness and the extra light discourage […]

Give and take is every relationship’s keystone. Speak to your shoulder-sitting friend Honour, when firm ground seems more like quicksand Learning to live with others’ tastes develops exceptional relationship and […]